人氣單品Tort Law in Hong Kong:An Introductory Guide驚喜分享
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內容簡介: This is one in a series of books providing readers with an overview of the more frequently encountered legal principles. This book focuses on the common law tort principles which apply in the territory. As a basic version, this publication provides a general introduction. This book's organizational structure reflects this intention. The text is kept short and easy to read with Chinese translations provided of most legal terms. An extensive endnote section provides readers who seek more details with comprehensive and in-depth explanations. A detailed Table of Contents serves as a convenient outline while the exhaustive Index seeks to make the book more user-friendly and convenient to use.
This work is oriented for an audience which would include, for example: general students required to study legal subjects; foreign-based non-law professionals needing an overview of the relevant subject; local professionals whose work involves interaction with legal matters; and, the general public
作者簡介博客來書店博客來STEPHEN D. MAU博客來網路書局Stephen D. Mau BA, JD, LLM is a US qualified counsel who formerly taught international commercial arbitration as an Assistant Professor of Law in City University of Hong Kong's MA programme in arbitration and dispute resolution. He is presently a lecturer in the Faculty of Construction and Land Use at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and is the Deputy Award Coordinator for the Master of Science / Postgraduate Diploma in the Construction Law and Dispute Resolution programme in the Department of Building and Real Estate. He continues to be involved in the dispute resolution field and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the American Arbitration Association, and has acted for clients in arbitrations. He has also published articles in international arbitration journals as well as several books on general Hong Kong legal principles.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: STEPHEN D. MAU
- 出版社:香港大學出版社 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2010/06/01
- 語言:英文
人氣單品Tort Law in Hong Kong:An Introductory Guide驚喜分享
祝你天天快樂 | 人生小語(八)─人性與自然(平) | 人生小語(八)─人性與自然(精) | 轉個彎天空更開闊 | ||||
世界諺語 | 女人的極地 | 勇敢向前行 | 好好過日子 | ||||
我不再煩惱─自我心理診療手冊 | 在海平面的光點 | 人生小語(七)─我愛-故我在(平) | 人生小語(七)─我愛-故我在(精) | ||||
給你!明日希望會 | 燈塔(10) | 積極思維的力量 | 人生以快樂為目的 |
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人氣單品Tort Law in Hong Kong:An Introductory Guide驚喜分享